Página de inicio Brake Performance Test
Brake Performance Test

We found in repeated tests that slow-speed brake with high weight ratio leads to higher brake temperatures and damage to rims. The slow speed side brake causes temperature to rise, even during slight braking.  

Our bikes are equipped with high-speed brakes that reduce speed over very short duration. In the braking interval, the temperature dropped quickly.  High-speed break preserves the viability of bike rim and breaks.  

In road endurance test, we used a 10km downhill test track to repeated test rim brake temperature stability. We used the highest intensity slow speed rear wheel brake at a speed of 30km/h, so that rim side brake is always in a state of temperature rise.  After reaching the maximum temperature, the braking force of the brake can be maintained and does not appear to increase brake edge deformation.

Equipo de X-Bike Co., Ltd, una marca de fabricación de ruedas de carbono, China.

X-Bike Equipment Co., Ltd, es que un fabricante de bicicletas de carbono establecido por 2007.To cumplen las necesidades de nuestros consumidores para bicicletas de carbono de excelente calidad, llantas de carbono superlight, ruedas. Salir en el mercado y la carrera, escuchar, observar y aprender, por lo que somos capaces de mirar y comprender las tendencias que se forma en el futuro de nuestro negocio y moverse rápidamente para prepararse para lo que está por venir.